Monday, September 28, 2009

Traffic, how I hate thee

Why do they have a traffic report during the 6 o'clock news? If you're watching, then you know what the traffic is like because you just spent the last 45 minutes in gridlock trying to get home from work. You don't need someone to give you the replay. You just got out of that shit! Yes, I have road rage. So do you, don't deny it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sucker for a lemon

My car died on me the other week. It straight up and quit on me. All power cut out for about 10 seconds before coming back on. Now my car is in the shop and the mechanic is telling me that the warranty company won't cover the repair(thus far). He still hasn't found the route of the problem which means that the bill could get even higher. I'm hoping that it gets high enough to total the car. My insurance would waive any further payments on that car and allow me to finance a new car. I hope they total my car out before the repair bill gets too high but not high enough to total it. I seriously want to take this car back to the dealer and set it ablaze in the black of night. That would surely bring me some satisfaction.

Friday, September 11, 2009

All for nothing, nothing at all

Maybe it's just a coincidence but I'm convinced that I have the worst timing in the world when it comes to girls. I have this tendency to chase after girls that are either unhappy in their current relationship or mentally unavailable. By the latter I mean that they are either single yet do not wish to be in a relationship or their attention is taken by some other guy. I know what you're all thinking. "You should have seen the signs, she clearly wasn't interested." Fuck you, I saw the signs. I'm just too damn stubborn to let go of what I want. Besides, I'm up for a challenge. Who am I kidding. My timing just sucks.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Student Loan Sharks

Student loans are for suckers! Sadly I am one of said suckers. My parents weren't able to offer any substantial help in paying for my college tuition, so my solution resided in good ole student loans. I took out one student loan per year to pay for tuition, room and board. I just graduated this May and already my loans + interest total $80,000. Yeah, I'm pretty pissed about it. I'm paying them off all on my own, so basically life is going to suck for the next 20 years. In the very least it will be fairly tight unless I get a salary increase in a few years or take on a new job that pays better. We'll see which one comes first. I've considered fleeing the country. Unfortunately I'd probably have to get my passport to make it through customs, therefore guaranteeing that I'll get caught. Fucking government.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Frugal my ass

I am the worst when it comes to saving money. I have this tendency to develop really long mental lists of things that I want. Most of them have to do with rock climbing or various other outdoor endeavors. However, when I finally have a bit of money that doesn't need to go to bills right away.... BAM!!!!! That shit is gone. Since getting paid last Friday I have purchased cams, biners, climbing shoes, a guitar and an amp. I'm hoping that since I went on this 'shopping spree' that I'll have it out of my system for a while and be able to start saving. I have this strange feeling that it won't happen that way because my gear list keeps building all the time. Damn having hobbies!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's right, get over it.

Is the American society really this stupid or do we just like bashing our President? Obama gave a speech to students all over the world today. His general message was that students are responsible for their education and that they ought to work hard in school. "At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents and the best schools in the world, and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities." Pretty good message to send to students right? Yet parents complain that they don't want their children to hear such things and that students should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do. Oh yeah? So school is optional? I must have missed the memo. Education is virtually a requirement by most parents. So are you saying that 'doing well' in school is optional. Gee I missed that memo too. The last time I checked, you don't go to school to do shitty. You want your children to succeed in school. You want them to succeed in life. So why are parents saying this? If you ask me, America just likes to pick fights with their president and insist that they know better than him. Yeah, right people.

Common! He made a great point. We could supply the best teachers in the world but it doesn't mean squat if the students don't want to learn. Ever try to show an old guy a 'new' way to do something? Ever try to show your grandparents how to use email? Exactly, they don't want to learn. That is the case with too many students today.

I agree with O 100% Students need to take responsibility for their education and honestly apply themselves in the classrooms. That is the only way that education is going to work.

Monday, September 7, 2009

So begins reality

Being out of school for a few months now, reality is settling in. All those loans I took out for school? Yeah they want their money. I also need to start looking for a new place to live starting in January. Anyone need a roommate? In all honesty I'm doing pretty well. I've got plans to get a place with a college friend of mine who also climbs and shares a lot of my ideals. We get along well. My job allows me plenty of time to climb at night and on weekends. I've been successfully getting to the gym twice a week and usually climbing outside one day of the weekend. The only thing I need now is a girfriend that climbs. That's a tall order but I'm certainly working on it.