Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I miss my iPod

A few days ago I saw a really cool commercial with Yvon Chouinard.  He shed some light on rock climbing and discussed removing a dam that no longer serves any purpose.  Its removal would allow for the native fish to spawn again as well as providing the nearby beaches with much needed sand.  Have a look!

I usually listen to Pandora while I'm at my desk at work.  I noticed that every time I change stations a wonderful VIDEO COMMERCIAL comes on!  What is that about?!  Yes, advertisements pay the bills for many websites.  I get it.  A commercial EVERY time I change stations is excessively annoying though.  Being as that my iPod decided to up and take a crap a while back, Pandora is still the most convenient choice.  Grrrrr.

A co-worker and I came across a cool website today.
You type in a password and it rates the strength or ability to be cracked.  Higher scores have less of a chance of being cracked.  As you might have guessed, the best passwords are ones that have upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, characters (shifted numbers) and don't use words or sequential numbers or letters.  Basically as random as you can make it.  Still pretty cool.

Oh, and I still don't have any tp in the house.  I might have to confiscate some from work.

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