Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The latest of late

I've passed the due date for my weekly expat update.  I got lazy, get over it.  I'm pretty settled in at work, plugging away with drawings and designs.  A component here, a piece there... the work is adding up but it's all manageable.  Mostly simple things that need to be drawn and dimensioned so we can find out the cost to manufacture it.  One piece at a time, it'll all get done.

The search for a sick mountain bike is over.  I wanted to get a bike that I could take into the REAL mountains out here.  Something I don't have to worry about collapsing underneath of me when I land a jump off some rocks.  I wanted to be sure that it had good components that would last.  There is no doubt that I have found and purchased the right bike.  It's green!
The components are a respectable level of Shimano (XT-combo) with a solid full suspension and disc brakes.  Time to tear it up in the mountains!  A guy from work is going to take me out to break it in during one of the coming weekends, when the weather breaks.

This past weekend I found the laundry mat.  Just in time.  Until recently getting the gear and clothing that I mailed to myself, I was running low on clothes.  More specifically I was running low on underwear, even after the relief shipment.  So I was on a mission to find the laundry mat this weekend.  I asked a fellow apartment dweller if he knew of a place in town where I could do my wash.  After quickly explaining, in German, that my German was still horrible he went to get his son who surprisingly speaks English pretty well.  He then explained to me where the laundry mat was.  Off I went and no such luck.  Right where the kid told me to go was a dry cleaner.  Balls.  I couldn't blame the kid, I could "clean" my clothes here.  Just not in the manner I was looking for.  I peeked in the store to find no washers or dryers.  No dice.  Onward.  After cruising around the small town for a while I started to realize that they would not put something as boring as a laundry mat along the main strips.  I started looking to some of the bordering side streets, making a perimeter around the somewhat circular downtown area that is Waldkraiburg.  My logical reasoning had paid off.  Just barely off the main strip, just enough not to be an eyesore, was the laundry mat that I was looking for.  I happily pulled out the bag of clothes from my pack and followed the instructions above the washer.  Coming prepaired, I settled into the book that I'd brought along for the wait.  After making some generous progress in the pages of my book, I retrieved my now clean and dry clothes and headed for home.  That's not before stopping off at small burger joint on the way.  It was a little sloppy to be honest, as I was not expecting this to be a fast food type of place given the appeal of the outside.  Just the same I happily drank my coffee and ate my double cheeseburger.

The way they serve coffee here.  Real coffee has froth!

The rest of the weekend was fairly uneventful as I chose to read for most of the day.  After getting restless from sitting for hours, changing positions trying to avoid getting stiff, I could no longer resist the urge to run.  I had only gone for a run once since my running shoes came in with the rest of my gear.  The roads were calling and I could deny them no longer.  Mindlessly suiting up in my moisture wicking runner shorts and shirt, I strapped on my Nike watch and took to the streets.  Whenever I find myself in a new place, I generally look to a run to get a feel for my surroundings.  I took this opportunity to venture out beyond where I had already ridden my bike.  The trails around here are incredible.  A vast amount of the roads here are accompanied by nearby forest and have trails that run parallel to them.  Some are close to the roadway and serve as walking and bike trails for general travel.  I hoped on one such trail that follows the contour of a fairly popular road, one that I was confident would continue for a long time and would permit me to run without dwelling on my direction.  I made a good choice.  This road was endless and the trails re-connected as intersections broke the gravel path I ran on.  At one point the road would be sandwiched between to thick walls of pine and then suddenly fan out into the open fields of farmland.  Enjoying the scenery a bit too much I noticed the winds pick up.  Not too far off were the storm clouds I was looking for.  At nearly 25 minutes into my run it was time to shift gears and head home before mother nature decided to unleash havoc.  I made it back before the clouds did, getting out of shower just when the thunder and lightening began to pick up.  Perfect timing.  Then I made chicken carbonara with pasta for dinner.

The past week or so I've been gearing up for this presentation on I project I'd spent a lot of time working on before departing for Germany.  The presentation was to be delivered to some upper management folk here at NETZSCH Germany.  That presentation was today.  Presidents, department managers, research and development directors, etc.  Seven people in all, but each exceptionally important to the company in a different way.  My presentation lasted for nearly two hours as I had expected it.  What I had not expected was the amount of positive feedback and praise for all the work I had put into this project and presentation.  My boss' boss's boss.....the guy in charge of the department I work in, awarded me 1000 € as a bonus for coming to work in Germany and giving such a good presentation on my project. WHAT!?!?!?!?!  Sweet deal.  It's almost like I didn't drop a whole paycheck on that bike....

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