Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Supplementary Habits

The two-week “you thought you were finished with school sucker!” German course is officially finished and I am now a professional in the art of Deutsch sprechen. Sike! My German still sucks but I’m speaking much better than I was when I got here. When anyone gives me crap I just tell them I’m American. Surprisingly I haven’t been beat up for that yet.

So the status of my climbing-injured finger doesn’t appear to have changed since the last time I tried to hang on the trim molding around the door. I’m going climbing next weekend anyway. A climbing friend from the States lives a few hours from me and invited me up to her place to climb. Since I am a known masochistic outdoor adventurer, I accepted. I plan on taping my fingers up to the point of nearly cutting off circulation and hopping on a few easy climbs before succumbing to taking my rightful place as belay bitch for the rest of the day. I’ll also be taking my fancy camera along to snap some sweet shots of the area. Regardless of my level of success at climbing next weekend, it should be a fun trip.

I really do miss climbing though. It’s nearing 3 months since the last time I climbed anything more enthralling than the 3 flights of steps it takes to get to my apartment. If I don’t notice any progress in healing then I will have to temporarily supplement my climbing addiction with other endeavors. Namely running, mountain biking, drinking large amounts of German beer while meeting excessively attractive fräuleins, reading novels and playing games that distract me from anything productive and OCCASIONALLY dabbling in the study of the German language. Hmm, on second thought I better bump the “language study” part up a few notches in priority since it currently conflicts with the potential for meeting said excessively attractive fräuleins. I better get on that.

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